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Newsletter Thoughts 9/8/2024

Pastor Nancy Switzler

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool in the midst of this heat wave. While Oxnard is much cooler at 86°, it is very warm for this place. We’ll survive! As for me, I came down with a case of Covid this week. So far, it’s not too bad, just cold symptoms and fatigue. I’m hoping that it clears up quickly. 

While there is no “good” time to get sick, some are worse than others. For me, the timing is horrible because my grandson was born on Wednesday afternoon. I will not be able to see him until I get better. He is having a bit of difficulty with his breathing and is spending his first few days in the NICU, so your prayers are appreciated.

Hope. Sometimes the feeling of hope does indeed sneak up on us. It could be due to a changed circumstance, a new viewpoint, a precious gift, repair of a relationship, or anything else.

Hope can be contagious, spreading throughout a family, a community, a church or a nation.

Love can grow out of hope. I myself am feeling more hopeful these days! Of course I have my first grandchild, and another on the way!

I also sense a mood in the country to move away from divisiveness. I hope that this sense is felt by more people than me. What about you? How are you experiencing hope? I’d love to hear from you!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Nancy

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