Dear Friends,
Welcome October! We have a busy month ahead of us.
First, there will be a budget workshop after worship on October 13. We hope that you will participate in this important look at next year’s budget. As I’ve shared with you all, ALC has made great progress in closing a budget gap. At this time last year, the outlook was that we would run out of funds in the summer. We made big cuts, and we are still here. We can celebrate that!
But we also need to recognize that we are still spending more than we are bringing in. This is not sustainable. Our choices are to further cut spending, increase income, or a combination of both.
Of course this is not easy, especially in deciding how or where we can cut spending.
This workshop is not the budget approval meeting, but rather a gathering of the community to share ideas. We hope you will participate.
Second, on Reformation Sunday we’ll have another Transition Team workshop. The goal is to build upon the work of the September meeting as we work together to discern the vision and mission for future ministry at ALC. During the month I hope that we can all be praying for the ability to see how God is calling us to be the church at this time.
As I think about this, alongside the changes that continue to occur around us, I am wondering what small shifts we could be making. Small shifts are more manageable (and less disruptive) than big turns.
Small shifts can be holding on to the core of what is life-giving, while changing how we engage with the neighborhood. What might this look like? You all had some ideas at our last meeting. I invite you to keep thinking, dreaming, wondering, and praying.
I invite you to continue to prayerfully engage in discernment. How is God calling us to financial sustainability? Who is God calling us to be? What is God inviting us to do?
What thoughts come to mind for you? I would love to hear from you, and I invite you to email or call.
Meanwhile, blessings to you and I hope to see you at Burbank Pride this weekend.
Pastor Nancy